Ranking Investment Themes

You may want to select one or multiple stocks within an investment theme but aren’t sure which theme or themes to select. We researched and ranked each of the Obermatt investment themes against each other from the perspective of four investment strategies: value, growth, safety, combined performance.

The rank value below is the weighted average of the individual company ranks in the investment theme. The rank indicates how well that investment theme fits the profile of a specific investment strategy. For example, a stock focus with an average rank of 65 for Growth means that it has a high proportion of growth stocks.

If you’re interested in a particular investment theme, we’ve conducted the same analysis for stocks in trending technologies, natural resources or that can be considered ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) stocks. See how the investment themes rank against each other.

Investment Theme Research


April 13, 2023. Investment Themes research is updated annually. ()